The Secret Experiment

Use the law Of Attraction to change your life.

Archive for believe

Failure is impossible

On this day of your life, I want you to know…that you can only succeed, you cannot fail.  Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story, and hence the process of evolution, forward. Everything advances you on your journey.

You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today.

Everything in life is energy

Everything in life is energy. There is nothing — absolutely nothing — that is not energy. Everything vibrates with this energy, and the number of vibrations, or wave patterns, within a given period of time is called the “frequency” with which the energy fluctuates. Energy is always fluctuating. Always. That is, energy never remains static. If energy were to ever remain static, everything would suddenly stand still. The physical world would simply stop, as in the freeze frame of the movie. In that moment life would end.

Life, then, could be defined as movement. When movement stops, life stops. We have nothing to worry about, however, because movement never stops. It is built into the system. It is the system. This information is more than esoteric data. It has some practical implications that may have escaped you. It has applications in day-to-day living that could change your life in remarkable ways.

For instance, ever notice how energy flows? Energy never remains at Straight Up Zero. If there was such a thing as an Energy-O-Meter, you would see that the needle is always moving. And the meter is very sensitive. Very sensitive. You would see the needle swing wildly to the left or right of Dead Center with the slightest fluctuation in the vibe.

“Dead Center” would be an apt description of the moment when the needle is pointing straight up. That would mean there is Zero Fluctuation of the energy, hence no movement, hence no life. That would, indeed, be dead center!

Now, why I am bringing this all up here: your energy in every single moment is either moving towards something or away from it. It is either attracting or repelling. It is either pulling something closer or pushing it father away.

Within the phenomenon known as Space, “moving toward” something or “pulling” something closer is the same thing. It is the experience of shortening the space between two objects (or, in fact, two experiences). The way you think about a thing attracts it or repels it. That’s because you want is energy moving in one direction or the other. We call these “to and fro” energies “love” and “fear”. Those are names of actual human emotions, but, in truth, they are simply our ways of describing E-motions — that is, energy-in-motion.

Again…energy is always in motion. It’s either moving toward something or away from it. It cannot do both and it cannot do neither. it is eternally doing one or the other. The swings of the meteor to the left and the right of Dead Center are necessary, and part of the normal function of life. The fluctuation must occur, and so this business of moving toward something or only from it is not a question of “good” and “bad”. One thing is not “better” than the other. It is just what “is”.

That is important to understand. Otherwise, we might get into our judgment about it.

The trick with regard to energy is to learn how to regulate it so that you can control the ebb and flow. You are actually controlling the ebb and flow right now, but you may not be doing it consciously. Regulating energy is about conscious creation of the ebb and flow. It is about conscious attenuation of the vibration. It is about adjusting the frequency of your energy on purpose.

Because the needle on the Energy-O-Meter is so very sensitive, the slightest, tiniest, most minute fluctuation in your personal energy causes the reading to vary massively from one moment to the next. Even from one milli-second of the next. so we have this needle of swinging wildly from left to right past zero, which is at center. The needle is never at Straight Up Zero except when it passes through Zero Point on its way left or right.

Now, with regard to any person, place, or thing in your life, ask yourself this question: On this day, am I moving towards this, or a way from it? This will help explain why your relationship with your Significant Other is going the way it is going. Are you experiencing greater closeness or greater distance? Are you experiencing an increase in the energy’s intensity, or a decrease?

More important, is the next remark you were going to make, or the next thing you are going to do, likely to swing the needle to the left or to the right? Is it getting warmer or is it getting colder in the environment of your heart? What is the “temperature” of your present interaction? To what “degree” you see it changing the mood of the moment? To what extent will this shift to the left or the right of center affect the long-term balance within the system?

These are interesting things to think about just before opening our mouth to say something to another. These are fascinating things to explore just before taking some action or making some choice, be it large or small, in the day-to-day of our living. Is this action drawing me closer to, or pushing me further away from, my loved one? Are these words pulling that Special Other just a tiny bit further in, or moving that Special Other just a tiny bit further away? Which way it is this sensitive meter pointing?

Of course, it can’t always be at a +10. Sometimes it’s going to be at -2 or -3. You can’t have “up” without “down”. You can’t have “left” without “right”. You can’t have “cold” without “warm”. You have to have the fluctuation. The fluctuation is good. It is necessary. It is, as we have said, part of the process. But here’s something that most people don’t understand about that process: You can control it. You can regulate it. Indeed, you are doing so in every moment. It is simply a question of whether you know what you are doing.

When you know what you are doing, it is called Conscious Creation. Conscious creation is the deliberate construction of energy patterns in a particular frequency of fluctuation. To put this simply, it is the sending out of “good vibes” deliberately and intentionally. It is the activation of the choice to attract rather than rebel, to move toward rather than away, to pull in rather than push out.

Is this what you were doing with the last thing that you said to the person with whom you want to feel closer? Read the last e-mail that you sent to that person. Do you think that it is swinging the needle to the right or to the left of Point Zero?

It’s just a question…

SOURCE: Neale Donald Walsch through the years has given hundreds of talks and written scores of articles revolving around the messages he received in his Conversations with God.  The writing was originally published on the Internet on May 21, 2007.  


Manifest what you want

Here are the seven steps to manifest anything you want — including money.
  1. Step 1: Get clear on what you want. … 
  2. Step 2: Ask the universe. … 
  3. Step 3: Work toward your goals. … 
  4. Step 4: Trust the process. … 
  5. Step 5: Receive and acknowledge what you get. … 
  6. Step 6: Keep Your Vibration High. … 
  7. Step 7: Clear your resistance.

You know manifesting works for other people, but are you feel as though you’re missing something to make it work for you?

The number one reason most people get stuck while manifesting is they don’t know every vital step to manifest and co-create with the universe. 

Here are the seven steps to manifest anything you want — including money. 

Step 1: Get clear on what you want.

If you don’t know exactly what you want, you can’t actually take steps to make it happen. To manifest something, you must know what you desire.

That means you must get very clear on the specifics, detailing the features as if your manifestation is tailor made for you.

To get started with this step, create a list of 20-25 things you want to manifest. Get specific about what you want and list the attributes in the positive (aka avoid using the word don’t). 

“I want a car” might land you a 1965 El Camino without a working engine.
“I want a used SUV with less than 30,000 miles on it that’s priced under $15,000”streamlines your search quite a bit. 

Side note: As you create your list, give yourself permission to want what you want today and be open to changing it tomorrow. Judgement of yourself doesn’t help you manifest anything.

Step 2: Ask the Universe. 

Once you have your list, it’s time to amplify your signal to the universe by asking for what you want. When the universe is clear on what you want to manifest, then it can help you. If you don’t ask, it will still try to help you, but it guesses as to what you truly desire. 

Don’t leave what you receive up to chance, ask for what you want. 

There are a lots of ways to ask including prayer, meditation, visualization, and vision boards. An easy way to ask for what you want is to write a letter to the universe. 

Ask the universe for what you want once a day makes your requests clearer and clearer.

Step 3: Work toward your goals. 

Manifesting is the art of co-creating with the universe. Working toward your goals increases your chances of receiving what you want. It’s also fun.

Write down 3 actions you can do today to bring you closer to your goal. If you don’t know what to do, use Google to figure out what actions you can take. It’s likely someone has struggled with the same issue and has written about it. Let yourself be inspired by what others have done.

Start taking action and keep taking action until you’ve reached your goal.

Step 4: Trust the process.

As you work toward your goal, it may question if manifesting actually works. You might get discouraged and frustrated. If you are sitting in the struggle and wondering when things are going to happen you aren’t trusting the process. When you question manifestation, you’re telling the universe to prove manifesting doesn’t work.

The Law of Attraction obliges by sending you experiences that keep you stuck. 

To manifest, you have to trust the process. 

Whenever you find yourself doubting, catch yourself and say, “I’m getting closer and closer to my goals every day. The universe has my back and it’s awesome.”

Repeat this phrase until you believe it.

Step 5: Receive and acknowledge what you get. 

The universe is always giving you help, but it’s easy to miss the signs (especially when they come in unexpected ways). When you start to acknowledge and receive signs from the universe, the universe will give you more of what you want. 

A good way to get started with this step is to write down the evidence in a journal at the end of the day.

Make sure to include anything that happened to you during the day that moved you a little bit closer to your goal. 

• If you are trying to get out of debt and your credit card company called to sort out a more appropriate payment plan, that’s evidence. 

• It can also be an inspirational quote speaking to you on social media

Step 6: Keep Your Vibration High.

According to the Law of Attraction, you attract what you are sending out. To attract more of what you want, you have to raise your vibration. Vibrations are like little radio signals you are continuously sending out to the universe. You must tune your signal to a vibration worthy of receiving it (read: stay positive and thankful).

All you have to do is to feel joy.

By spending 10-15 minutes a day (at least) doing something that makes you feel good, anything from watching a YouTube video or meditating, you’re ensuring your vibration stays high.

Remember, a crappy mood means you’re going to be rewarded with crap. Staying positive is the easiest way to be certain good things are coming.

Step 7: Clear your resistance.

If you haven’t yet manifested what you want, it’s likely you are resisting what the universe has to offer. Doubts, pain, procrastination, frustrations, anxiety, fears, regrets and resentments are all forms of resistance.

And they are totally normal.

When you notice conflict coming up, acknowledge it and remind yourself to breath and relax. It might sound something like, “I’m frustrated again. I’m resisting again. I get it. All I have to do now is breath, relax, and let it come. “ 

If you are having a hard time letting go of problem, find someone to help you through it.

Manifesting your desires is 100 percent possible but, to do so, you must use ALL the steps.

1.Get clear on what you want.
2.Ask the universe for it.
3.Take action (help the universe make it happen).
4.Trust the process.
5.Acknowledge what is being sent to you along the way.
6.Increase your vibration.
7.Clear all resistance.

Now I want to hear from you. What steps of the manifesting process do you do regularly? What steps have you missed? Tell me what, if anything, you’re going to change in the comments below.

SOURCE: Natalie Guerin

Visualization Tools

Using visualization techniques in your daily life can help to make the Law of Attraction much more powerful for you. It can help you to create an image in your head of everything you want out of life. Plus, it tells the universe what it is you would like to attract in your life. For example, if you would like a promotion in your job, visualize yourself moving into a new office, with your name on the door, and receiving a big cheque. What visualization does is help you to find your goals, focus and manifest them. This will then help you in creating a positive and motivated mindset.

Visualization involves creating images (which could be mentally and physically) showing your goals and your future as a strong positive message. However, there are many different visualization tools that you can use to do this.

First, let’s take a look at why visualization is important.

Why Is Visualization Important?

Visualization can help you to create your dream life and visualization techniques have been used by many successful people to achieve their goals.

There are various reasons why visualization is important and many benefits too:

  • Strengthen your motivation. Visualization helps you to feel motivated and excited to create your dream life.
  • Program your brain. Your visualization skills could help to program your brain into finding and recognizing how to manifest your dreams and goals.
  • Feel more confident. The more that you are visualizing yourself achieving your goals and dreams, the more confident you can start to feel.
  • Visualization can help with stress. When you are visualizing, you are normally in a calm state of mind. This can help you to clear your mind, eliminating any worries and stresses you may have.

Here are some of the most popular visualization techniques to use and how to use them whilst practicing the Law of Attraction to achieve your dream life.

6 Easy And Effective Visualization Techniques

Dream Boards

A dream board (also known as a vision board) is a way of visually representing your goals!

Creating a dream board is an inexpensive and very creative way of connecting with your desires for the future. The dream boards can be made using everything from natural objects to drawings and magazine cutouts.

When you create your vision board, you will be identifying your vision and dreams in a physical way as well as reinforcing your daily affirmations, which will be covered below.

Your vision board need to be personal and unique to you; anything you find that motivates and inspires you should go on the board.

Your vision board is great to have in your office, or on the wall in your bedroom for example. You can have them there in the background keeping you motivated and within your subconscious.

Daily Affirmations

An affirmation is a simple statement that reshapes your beliefs and helps you move towards your life goals. Obviously, for this to work in your favor, they need to be positive affirmations.

An affirmation is a repeated and spoken statement. However, you can also include visual affirmations too.

An example of a spoken, daily affirmation would be if you stand in front of your mirror and say to yourself ‘I love having a great job and being happy in my own skin’. You would use this affirmation if you are trying to find a better job and maybe if you have low self confidence and your goal is to feel happy with yourself.

The Law of Attraction works on the basis that your thoughts and energies are recognized by the universe, which is why if you can put positive affirmations and energy out into the world, the universe will respond to it. Repetition plays a big part in your daily affirmations. The more that we tell ourselves something, the more the message is accepted by our self-conscious and can be manifested in our lives.

The idea of a visual affirmation is that there is a physical concrete form of your affirmation.

Examples of these would be:

  • Having your affirmations on signs and put up where you can always see them. It may also be a good idea to have your visual affirmation stuck near the area connected to your goals, such as a mirror if you are looking to improve your self-image and self-worth.
  • Set up reminders on your phone, so that your affirmation regularly appears in front of you. This can also be set as an alarm so that you have daily reminders each morning or before you sleep.
  • Repeatedly write out your affirmations at the beginning or end of the day. This can also connect with a gratitude journal which is covered below.


Meditation is a great visualization technique as you are using visualization at a time that your mind is clear and present. When you meditate, you start to gain access to your inner self more than you probably ever have. As you will be fully present in that moment, you can truly focus on yourself and your goals and aspirations. You can use this time whilst meditating to visualize your goals, create a positive space and send out positive energy.

Meditating helps your brain release any negative energy. It also gives your brain the space to go wherever it wants, which is why this is very helpful when visualizing. You should be able to have strong visualizations though meditating as you are allowing your brain to do the work for you, whilst letting any negative energy go.

Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal is a great visualization tool that can help you to believe in your success and goals while also providing you with a positive mindset. This is where you write down everything that you are grateful for that day (if you are doing this daily – which we recommend!).

Each night before you sleep, write down 5-10 things that you were grateful for that day. Doing this keeps you in a positive mindset and makes you reflect on the good things in your life. By concentrating on creating a happy present experience, you also teach yourself to expect the most from your future. This will help you to visualize your future, in a positive and meaningful way.

You can also look back at what you have been grateful for and take as many useful lessons and positives messages from them as possible. Reflecting on the good things about yourself and your life from your gratitude journal enhances your belief that you can, and deserve to, reach your goals.

Magic Cheque

Another great visualization tool is to use what is called a Magic Check (also known as dream cheque). You can use this to attract wealth or financial freedom as well as much more.

The idea of this is to have a self-written check that is made out to you and clearly states what you want to achieve. This could be financial, but it could also be a goal such as landing a new job or finding your ideal partner.

A dream cheque is best put somewhere that you will constantly see it. This could be next to your bed or even in your wallet or purse. As mentioned, the dream cheque does not always have to be about finances if you don’t want it to. Whatever your goal, write it on the cheque and make sure you feel good about what you are trying to manifest.

Fuel your cheque with as much positivity as possible and pretend that you have already received this sum of money or goal that you want to achieve.

Creative Visualization

Get creative with your visualization! Even if you are not an artsy person, you will be surprised to find how impactful it is to create art that visually represents your dreams. You can do this by painting, drawing, writing or even creating graphics on your computer. Some people will find this visualization technique better, as they have a creative outlet for their goals and dreams.

Just like a vision board, you can hang your art somewhere you can always see it. In fact, creating the art yourself will only make it more personal and unique to you.


Success is always present

On this day of your life, dear friend, not everything has to turn out exactly the way you planned in order for you to call it a success.

Sometimes all God wants you to do is to “get the ball rolling.” Then, He’ll take it from there. So when things turn out other than the way you wanted them to, don’t be so quick to say, “Bummer!”  

Many a Bummer is a Blessing in disguise. Consider the possibility that life is magic…and that there’s a rabbit in that hat.

Source: Neale Donald Walsch

Try pretending that all you now believe to be real, is not. And that all you wish to be real, is. If only for a few minutes each day.

Then, try acting like all you wish to be real already is real. With just a word here, a sentence there, or some little demonstration. If only in private.

Before long, you won’t even remember if what you used to believe was real or just a dream.

I’m pretending you already do this stuff whenever you want change,
The Universe

Once you have made peace with the present moment, see what happens, what you can do or choose to do, or rather what life does through you. There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness: One with Life. Being one with life is being one with Now. You then realize that you don’t live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer and you are the dance.
~ Eckhart Tolle ~

Activating The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. And, just like gravity, it is always operating whether you are aware of it or not. Simply put, the Law of Attraction says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to will be magnetized to you. This means whatever you think about, talk about, read about, watch on television, listen to on the radio, worry about, fantasize about, and feel strongly about, you will attract more of it into your life. Therefore, if you stay focused on all the good and positive things in your life, you will automatically draw to yourself more good and positive things. Likewise, if you focus on lack and negativity, then that is what you will draw to yourself.

How can you use the “Law of Attraction” to enhance our life?

The key to utilizing the Law of Attraction is to constantly focus on, talk about, visualize, and expect to receive that which you want-not what you don’t want. To use this Law to your benefit, you have to quit talking about your unwanted current reality and do two things instead:  1) appreciate and celebrate that which you already have; and 2) focus on, talk about, believe, visualize, affirm, and expect that all you desire is already on its way to you. Maintain a constant focus on your vision. Keep your eye and your conversation on what you are already grateful for and what you are creating.

Get started today…

Take time to clarify exactly what you want in every area of your life without limiting yourself by worrying about how you are going to get it. Then write a vivid and complete “ideal scene” of what it will look, sounds, and feel like when you actually have it. Do this for every aspect of your ideal vision-job and career, finances, health and fitness, relationships, fun and recreation, possessions, personal and spiritual growth, and the contribution you want to make to the world.

Next, create a vision board-either in the form of a vision book or a screen saver-that contains visual images of your vision already manifested. Take time every day to close your eyes and visualize each ideal scene as already complete, and, most importantly, to feel the feelings you would feel if you had already achieved this goal or a desire.

Next, release your request to the universe. Trust that you are now attracting the ideas, people, resources, money, and opportunities will start coming into your awareness. Pay attention to them.

The next step is to begin taking action on the creative impulses you receive. For example, if you want to be a doctor, the obvious actions are to study anatomy, biology, and biochemistry, apply to medical school, and so on. Inspired actions, on the other hand, arise from your intuition, during meditation, or occur to you as sudden impulses that have a deep feeling of rightness to them. An example might be that one afternoon you get this overwhelming urge to take some cookies to the elderly woman who lives down the street who always treated you kindly when you were a kid, so you do. When she invites you into her house, she introduces you to her nephew who is visiting, and he turns out to be the Dean of the Harvard Medical School.

Finally, the full utilize the law of Attraction in your life, you have to become a vibrational match with whatever it is you want to attract into your life. This means creating and maintaining an emotional state that matches the one you will experience when you actually get the thing you are focusing on. If your goal is to be rich, you need to focus on feeling abundant now. You can do this by appreciating what you already have, and continually finding more and more things to be grateful for. You can do it by being generous with what you already have. Most importantly, you do it by thinking abundant thoughts and feeling rich right now.

If your desire is to attract your soulmate into your life, start feeling happy about the relationships that you already enjoy. Act as if you are already loved and adored. Pamper yourself. Buy yourself flowers. Clean up your house or apartment the way you would if you were expecting company. Bring closure to your past relationships by forgiving any hurts and appreciating all the good things that you experienced. Let go of any resentments, guilt, or hurt you might be carrying from the past. Find appreciation for the lesions you’ve learned from previous lovers so that you can be free of the past and live in genuine state of positive excitement about the future.

Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: